Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Little N

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Little M

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dancing... YEAH!

Little girl is finally 15 months and this is a little dance to celebrate her 15 months.

She went into a dancing frenzy and was enjoying herself everytime the music came on. She was not interested in the educational bits that said "Bib" or "Diaper" or "Elephant". Hope you'll enjoy the clip as much as hubby and I enjoyed her dancing... (PS: please bear with the horrid singing and the very messy house... :P)

Monday, March 01, 2010

Little things in life...


(reads... "everything I can get my hands on including dirt")

The little one has developed a bad habit which I am trying to help her kick... And that is biting or putting everything in her mouth. The most recent being a ten cent coin, the nose of the seal massager among others... Here are pictures of her being caught in the act!

The lollipop was a freak accident. She was on my lap watching Elmo sing her favourite "Elmo Song" and instead of the usual climbing up to hit the laptop keyboard, she sat quietly on my lap. I thought maybe she was tired already then suddenly she turned and pulled the lolly out. YIKES! The wrapper is broken!!! I wonder how much of the sweet she actually took... No more sweets until she is in primary school!!! :(

Monkey See Monkey Do (Using the magic mop)

Cute isn't it? She's been playing with the mop for 2 weeks already. Daddy finally had the chance to see it for himself and took a video... It was close to her zzz time and she insisted on playing with the mop. When she hits corners and get stuck, she'll scream until the mop moves again... *opps... check out my attire! GEE!!!*

I am FULL! I do not want more milk or milk with cereal! Please let me off!!!

Feeding milk to my daughter needs some creative direction because she simply refuses to finish the 150ml of milk! I am desperate because she is only taking a total of 400ml of milk a day. Is that considered little? I should perhaps ask the PD? Website says toodlers between 1 to 2 years should get about 600ml of milk...  So to get her to finish, I will mix the milk with cereal or rusk to feed it to her... In the above occassion, she was TOTALLY not interested! Desperate as I was, I gave up trying after 8 spoons of the cereal... And that was after hubby gaves me dirty looks saying that it was enough and that her little belly seem to be bursting on the seams...