Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Little N

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Little M

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chinese New Year!

This is little girl's 2nd CNY and I was super ill-prepared for it. This is especially the case for me since I did not have much time to do spring cleaning! 

We went to Vivo City for some last minute shopping on Thursday... And little girl met Clifford the Dog! You can see how happy she is despite us not feeding the machine. :) 
Papa told mummy to get into the picture... so act cute together with my little girl... 

Chinese New Year Eve and the 1st day of CNY were spent in Malaysia JB. Yearly, we would visit hubby's paternal grandma. On the eve, we dropped by a very desolate Giant and little girl had her "dinner" there. Hubby took the opportunity to take pictures and only this one came out clear enough. 

In my enthusiasm, little girl had two pieces of traditional chinese new year dress which I bought from a bulk purchase. The material was really good and she look so adorable in it. The red one was my favourite and the pink is daddy's favourite (ERHMM! Makes sense why the better quality photos show the little one in pink and not red...). 
Taken at little girl's favourite corner of the house (yep right next to the pot of plants)...

Running away cheekily after throwing one mandrin orange on the floor...

Day 2: Visiting Mummy's Paternal Grandmother- and so the long wait for the Fei Fei Wanton Noodles began...

Little girl spent most of the CNY holiday at my mother in law's place. Sadly, my maternal grandmother passed away on Day 2 of CNY and I had to help my mum with the funeral. Although little girl never got to see or know more of my maternal grandmother, she is one great lady who was encouraging, loving and positive about life even when things got tough. She will live in our hearts forever!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Immunisation Records

I recently learnt from other experienced mothers that our little one's immunisation records are required when we register them for Primary 1. And this could sometimes add on stress to the Primary 1 registration if the records of compulsory immunisations are not updated properly. :)

Thanks to ImekiO and Luthadel for educating me on the website to check the record!!! I logged in and found that the records were indeed not properly updated (especially the ones I took at the GP's clinic!).

The website to check is http://www.nir.hpb.gov.sg/nir/sv/eservices/eservicesv?ACTION=DISPLAY_VIEW_FAQ_BY_CATEGORY&CATEGORY_ID=URCP

You will need your SingPass to login to the website. After logging in, you would be able to check your child's immunisation record by keying in his name and DOB or just his NRIC.

What should you do if the immunisation records are not updated? You can call up the clinic where you took the immunisation and tell them to do it! OR if you think it's a hassle to call the clinic, you can just fax a copy of the immunisation record on the Health Booklet and fax it to 64381015 for updating. :) After that you can just check back in about 3 working days... :)

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Dinner @ Alexandra Ikea

Hubby and I could not decide where to eat since the usual hawker stalls we frequented were closed on Tuesdays. What better way then to settle dinner @ our favourite place - Ikea! There was meat ball specials and we love them! 

We were there pretty late and yet the queue was SUPER long! Anyway, while waiting for the food, I looked up and guess who I saw! My neighbours!!!! Found out that they were headed for anchorpoint since the queue was long. Told them that hubby was in the queue and can join my hubby to order... 

We took the opportunity to take photos of the two little gals sitting together! Overall, it was really fun because we got to catch up, exchange some parenting tips and the two kids enjoyed the presence of one another!
 Little one entertained by the packet of Sugar... 
Neighbour was good! She manage to get the 2 little ones to smile!
Hmmm... Neighbour's little girl munched on grapes while my little one munched on straw! *opps*
It was an accidental click of the photo button. But I thought this is really cheeky and cute! :)  

Monday, February 01, 2010

Memories of my 13.5mth old toodler...

It's been such a busy time for me at work... Usually it will be really late by the time she goes to sleep and I'll be dead tired too... 

At 13.5 months old, she is no longer a baby... more like a little adult and learning new things everyday to amuse me and hubby. Below are just some ratings of my little one's development...  
Language development: SLOW
- she's still blabbering baby language but sometimes will try to pronouce certain words (e.g. BBRRRIIIII while pointing to birds.) cannot believe that her first word is not papa and mama! 
Whoever who told me that babies who stick around older kids will learn to talk faster, THIS IS TOTALLY NOT TRUE!!!! 

Understanding Instructions: AVERAGE
She can understand 
- A stern "NO" will make her stop at her tracks, 
- "Give" and she will pass you the item, 
- "Throw" - she will take her soiled diapers and throw them in the bin
- "Go to Papa" - she will strut quickly in the direction where hubby is seated or standing

Understanding vocabulary: AVERAGE
- "Hot", she will immediately pause and not touch the item, 
- "Banana", a head turner! It's her favourite fruit, never fails to catch her attention and she will flash her most brillant smile if there's one in your hands. 

- Whine and demands to be picked up even if she happens to trip and fall (This has been corrected. When she whines, hubby and I will just tell her stand up on your own. After 2 days, she will pick herself up.)

- She begins to cry if you snatch something that she's holding tightly to. Using the word "give" will not garner reaction. (This is a behavior which hb and I are still deciding whether we should teach her about)

- Whines and pretend to cry if she does not get a mouth of the fruit you are having (to the extend that she will stare at you with the "Mama/Papa, PLEASE?" sad puppy eyes look. And if hb is hugging her, she will open her mouth wide and bend her head forward when the food is going towards his mouth)

- Walking is her favourite activity and something which she is best at. When we are out, she walks around full of purpose (as if she knows where she is heading to). Only thing is she will walk right into the legs of unsuspecting adults.  

- She loves other kids. Especially those with balls and battery operated cars. (she chased after a boy who was on a battery operated car.)

Pushing her own pram or even the super market trolley - 
Currently her favourite activity, even if it means bending down by the waist to push. And even if it means pushing a trolley that is filled with 3 packs of 5kg rice, 2 bottles of 1 litre oil, 18 tins of assorted tin foods and 6 packets of instant noodles among other things (hubby told me that she was actually using her strength to push the trolley when he let go and yes the trolley moved for over 2 metres... and if hubby did not stop her, she would continue pushing! SUCH strength at this age!!!).