Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Little N

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Little M

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 22, 2011

The small things in life...

There is an unknown attraction between the little girl and the MRT. She gets all excited when it comes to taking a ride in the air-conditioned train... Maybe it's a novelty to scan the ez-link card and see the gates open... She got her fix on Sunday. One day before, she tried desperately to convince daddy that it is absolutely OK for him to take her on an MRT ride without mummy since mummy does not have her ezlink card (what more can I say right?).

Isn't it true that some small things in life can make one happy?  

The novelty of scanning the ez-link card... ;p

Kids and cold stuff... I remember loving ice-cream and yakult. This is totally random because I did not know that Ikea was giving away a soft-serve with every kids meal purchased! The cashier gave us a token and a cone. The machine is easy to use but I have serious doubts about the hygiene... ;p
Holding on to the ice-cream and trying to keep daddy and mummy distracted... 
*you cannot see the soft serve in my hands... you cannot see....* :p

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Toilet training!

Toilet training is one of those parenting topics that I know almost nothing about. Admittedly, I hate looking at the clock and repeating myself like a broken recorder (You want to go pee?... You want to go pee?...). I am also not into cleaning up puddles of liquid and even less keen when she takes the floor mat to soak up the liquid mess on the floor... Toilet training requires lots of persistence from the parents/caretakers and lots of encouragement so that they feel proud to have accomplished it. :)

My girl's CC teacher told us that the little girl has been indicating that she needs the toilet and will be ready for toilet training. We jumped at the idea since consistent toilet training from Mondays to Fridays is better than just doing it on Saturday and Sundays (where we spend most of the time out). A successful toilet training also means I pack one less item in her bag and saves Ah Gong's money (Note: Ah Gong been sponsoring the little girl's Mamy Poko).  So for 1.5 months, I washed a total of perhaps 4 soiled school shorts. Somehow, the training went so well, she could go to the potty to poo and pee on her own over the weekend.

On Sunday, while dressing little girl for dinner, she chose an inner-wear and told me that she wanted to wear it. Not wanting to "over-stretch" it with the bulky diapers, I told her it's either inner-wear or diaper. She chose inner-wear and off we went for dinner without diapers. After dinner, we stopped by at a Caltex petrol station for the Restrooms. Caltex really pride themselves into providing really clean toilets! It's heaven compared to those dark, dirty and remotely located toilets where sucking your breath while doing your business is the only way out. A great choice for pit-stop toilets (LOL!). So a cool 2.5hours without any accidents! *Phew*

At 2 years and 8 months old, I would happily say that she is pretty much toilet trained (except diapers during zzz hours). Yeah, I am a lucky mum since I no need to clean so many "puddles"... :p