Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Little N

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Little M

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What's been up these days?

Coming close to 24 months, the little bundle has changed so much! Becoming more outspoken, she tries to converse with the adults in sentences! Although sometimes we cannot figure what she is trying to say, it's still cute. She also loves saying "hello" to kids about her age.
The witty little girl was quick to learn that adding the word "please" to her requests would gain her faster access to what she wants. And I am quite pleased that she can actually recognise the faces that she does not see on a very regular basis...

Here are some photos of what she has been up to these days...

Say "CHEERS!!!!"

Happiest with Papa!

 Little gal: Let me count... I have... 1...2...3...4...5!!!!

@ Clarke Quay with mama...

Happy walking @ Riverside!

Splashing FUN!!!

Opps... caught tasting water!!!

 Splashing good time @ JOM Clubhouse!

A little update...

The little one is finally off the pacifier during her 19th month! *double applause*

It took about 2 weeks for her to get used to the days without the pacifier... It all started because hubby and I decided to pop by at my grandma's with her. I was ill-prepared and forgot to bring the pacifier along for her lunch nap. She managed to fall asleep after I told her that "Mama, forgot to bring it along". That following night she managed to fall asleep with the pacifier as well.

She started wailing during the lunch nap the next day! Evil mama decided to snip the pacifier and give the remaining to her. Without the teat portion, the pacifier was really nothing much to suck on. So she stared at the pacifier and cried "Tu-tu!!!"... Well after that the worse was over. Her night wakings also stopped unless she is over-stimulated in the day... :)

This is the 2nd and last attempt for her to quit the pacifier. My guess is the last time I tried to let her quit, she was still teething and that made it difficult for her to survive without her comfort object - pacifier...