The little girl has started playgroup in Feburary this year. The proccess of her integrating into childcare was (in the eyes of the teachers) very smooth and fast. In part, I have my mother-in-law to thank. As the little girl's caretaker, she has done a good job in exposing my girl to the school environment (my niece was in kindergarten). Other than her separation anxiety (with her grandma - yes she loves grandma and grandpa to bits), she only cried less than 3 times and each episode is mild.
School's been pretty good as she starts talking in fuller sentences and even learning some mandarin grammar like "已经". My mother-in-law was especially suprised when she sprouted "哥哥已经回来了." as opposed to "哥哥回来了". The school is also teaching them how to undress on their own. She can now remove her own shorts and shoes. For the first time, I saw her wearing shoes on her own. Really happy with her well she is progressing. :)
Just thought I'll blog about some of the cutest/quirky bedtime habits she has ( sometimes I dunno if I should be angry or to let her be):
1. Insist that she be read "bedtime with baby bop" before going to zzzz. U can imagine how frequent I read cos I can recite the book to hubby at IKEA.
2. Will insist on bringing what she claims is "baby 的"to bed. Insist the item (including her watch n random small boxes) is lovingly put next to her - “跟baby一起睡”.
3. Babbles loudly before falling asleep. Her babble could b an imaginary phone call to someone or random ramblings (in tonight's session she babbles: 爷爷抱。爷爷出去买东西。妈妈出去买东西回来。爷爷抱。去爷爷家ok?) or some comment about what she wants to do tomorrow (妈妈,明天mickey playhouse ok?)