Mother in law was ill today so no dinner at her place. Left work to meet hubby and lil gal for japanese food at Meidi-ya. She was about 2/3 through her dinner when she suddenly pulled up her shirt and started digging at her belly button. Initially we ignored her but with her food still in her mouth she said "痛痛!". I looked at her and she pointed to her tummy. Hubby who had finished his dinner brought her to the toilet after she nodded when asked if she wanted to poo.
5 minutes later, hb emerged with her. She took another mouth of food and started to dig at her belly button. Once again she nodded when asked if she wanted to poo. I brought her to the female toilet, sat her down. Less than 1 minute later, she happily told me "没有了!".
I frowned and brought her back. On the way back to dinner table, she started to clutch her tummy again and this time began to whine... She began to protest, refusing the food, whining very loudly with tears in her eyes and clutching her little tummy and digging at her (getting red) belly button... She also clinged onto papa and refused to let papa put her down.
It was the first time she had reacted so strongly to her discomfort so we decided to head for PD. PD checked her through and found her tummy to be soft (ie not constipated). She still prescribed wind med and depositories to standby.
15 minutes after entering the house, she squatted in the bathroom with the "teh-sai" look. Eventually, she poo-ed happily seating on her baby toilet seat.
Hb and I are on one hand glad that her tummy discomfort was just the normal tummy ache and yet a bit sian to spend $70 for nothing. But both of us are left wondering if she is whining in a bid to get us to rush home so she can sit on her baby toilet seat!!! -_-"