3 August 2014... 22 days to the day I go back to work. Took all 16 weeks of maternity leave and truth is with my mil at home to watch the other two kids, life is so great! I don't feel like returning to work... *ooops*
Baby L is coming to three months old next week. I have latched him since day 1, an hour after his arrival. As with each baby, the breastfeeding journey is different yet equally fulfiling.
My fear is still in relation to latching. Baby M had a better latch/suction, while baby L's latch was percieved (by me) as shallow and gentler (didn't need nipple cream this round!). For the record, he made lots of grunts, clicking sounds and pulling back of his head during the early days of latching. The above (based on internet research) were considered bad latch! Knowing my "flow", L was just unhappy about the forceful let downs - he would pull back and a proper latch will become shallow (just so he could control the milk volume). And of course, instead of gulping down the milk, he would let them flow out of his mouth (messy!!!).
Baby L also presented a new set of challenge - milk spitting which suddenly started at 2 weeks old... The amount of milk that comes out can be quite unnerving (since my first two babies didn't have this problem. M's milk spits were due to over feeding during cluster latches and at 3 months old). After some internet research (such as kellymom), baby L was held upright for 15 mins after feeds, burped whenever he unlatched during the feed and he slept in an elevated (at the bed head) baby cot... Oh yes, the best tip I learnt from the internet - burping him by rubbing in a circular motion on his left area below the shoulder (instead of patting). This brings up a burp quicker and more effectively. The other thing I learnt, never go anywhere without a burping cloth.
As I was saying, the days where I can latch him in the day is dwindling... Am already thinking how I will miss latching him while lying down (yes, I will doze off too) and of course how I really hate to pump (after pumping 11 months straight on a daily basis for N)... Mother in law and hubby have (over the past 2-3 days) asked me when I would start pumping so baby L can practise bottle feeding.
Well, I am going back to work so I better start... Keeping fingers crossed that he would take to the bottles just like baby M. ;)
3 Aug 2014, the day I turn 33 years old is also the day I finally took out and sterilised his glass bottle (looks so nice right?) and my pump parts.
Here's wishing myself a successful moo-moo career ahead! And a photo of the super relaxed boy sleeping on my bf-ing pillow (for some reason M also enjoyed her time as a baby on this pillow).