M is now talking, mostly in bits and pieces or jus babbling some incoherant phrases... Recently (@ 21 mths) fwe noticed that instead of expressing herself in words, she will use sounds or actions:
When something is nice to eat... She will shake her backside and go "mmmmmmm.....".
When something goes wrong or she "spoilt" something or we go "horrrrr...", she will say "ohhhhh oooohhhh".
When we ask her something and the answer should have been a "yes" (eg did you drop your pacifier?), she would go "mmmm hmmm".
When she is duly impressed with something, she goes "wowwwww" or "wahhhhh".
Cute max ain't it - learnt all these from non other than sister dearest. Am savoring every moment of this for as long as it lasts and while its still cute...