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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jacob Ballas Children Garden...

It's been such a long time since I blogged. I read in a parenthood magazine about stolen identities and how a blog exposes private life for everyone to see... So got a bit scared and took off the blog into a "private space". Nevertheless, without the blog, it seems I have stopped tracking the little one's growing up proccess... How could I do that?

It's been 3 months since the last blog. Recently, her school had an outing to Botanic Gardens - Jacob Ballas Children Garden. She had missed this little outing as she came down with fever and lack of appetite. Hubby and I decided to bring her there on a Sunday. The map of the garden can be found here (http://www.sbg.org.sg/bukittimahcore/images/map.jpg)

The Jacob Ballas Children Garden is a small cut out of the bigger Botanic Gardens. Abeit the lack of care in certain parts of the garden (such as the water plant section), it can be an educational place for the little ones to explore the different plants - the "Touch Me Nots", spices (such as Pandan, lemon grass, lime plants). The banana tree was flowering when we were there! :)

There are physical activities which kids can explore there! The sand playground (which we skipped as time was running out), waterplay area (small, we also skipped as we did not bring spare clothes or towels), tree playground (for active kids to climb around, features very long enclosed slides) and of course the suspension bridge!

Well here are some photos!

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