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Thursday, February 14, 2013

The little BIG sister...

The question "how is ur #1 with the arrival of #2?" tops my list after M was born.

N's reaction towards the arrival of her little sis was better than I had expected. Is it because she is already 4YO when M arrived? Other than the always wanting attention from papa and nainai (to the extend of 撒娇 all the way), she has been a gem!

And for memory sake, I shall list them down:

She is my handy helper: if i forget something, I can count on her to help me... So far she has helped me fetch M's towel when I am already bathing M (yes I forgot), auto top up diapers in the basket, tell me when M cries (she says mei mei wants to drink milk) and counted diapers to put into the diaper bag while I latch M before an outing.

She loves M to the extend that she will run to my room to see M first thing she comes home from school, sayang M by stroking her head or jus standing by the cot and watching M sleep. When I told her to help me watch M, she sat next to the rocker and pulled the rattle for the music a few times. Then to entertain M further, she took a few photos to do "show and tell".

She likes to see me bathe and change M's diapers. And if she has the opportunity, she will hand over a clean diaper for me to wear it for M.

Deep down, I am thankful for the level of maturity and love/attitude she has displayed towards M.

The darkest moments are times when she throws her tantrums and insisting on getting her way. Everytime I react, i land up blaming myself for being too harsh on her. Because in the back of my mind, she seems mature and well behaved for her age...

With a new born to compare my not-too-long-ago baby N, N seem to have blossomed overnight to become an independent girl. She can wear her own uniform and button up, brush her own teeth, wear socks n school shoes all by herself. When I was 4, my aunt and grandma were helping me wear uniform and socks!

With this post, I hope I can be reminded to be less harsh and praise her a lot more for her "good" then frowning too much at her "bad".

Ending this with a photo of my two girls. N was particularly enthusiastic and excited to be able to sleep next to M on the same bed... ;)

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