Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Little N

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Little M

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I love strawberries!

Went to NTUC yesterday for the usual grocery shopping. The Bukit Merah NTUC is the biggest one near my area and there is always so much to "see", that we spend quite some time walking up and down the alsies. 

As I was not in my best form, I just wanted to grab the stuff and head home. So as hubby and mother-in-law were leisurely shopping, I decided to laze at the "corner" with the children- as they entertained themself with servings of chilled drinking water. There was even a small bench to rest your foot. 

We hung around the area for quite some time and i noticed NTUC's implementation of wheelfriendly facilities (from an elevator to buttons that you can press to call for assistance at the lane you are at. The call button area also features a manifying glass which is good for elderly who forget their glasses). 

#2 as usual was keen in Strawberries! A punnet cost a whopping $7.20 (there were 12 South Korea strawberries in the punnet). I shoke my head and said no, too expensive. But when she said "mummy i want these strawberries please?" in such a sweet voice, heh... Ok la buy lor. Tsk tsk... Hubby must be shaking his head as he reads this... 

The strawberries were really sweet and fresh. They smell really good! We tried them when we reach home and it was really really yummy! 

This was the last serving of three strawberries shared between #2 & #3... Luckily #2 was willing to part some of her favourite fruit to #3. 

Ignore didi's face. Didn't know why he was even grimancing... :p

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happiness in a different form...

I am very sick today with chills and aches running down my body... Returned home to find that I was running a high temperature... 

After bringing #1 and #3 to the doctor's with me, we came home for some "fun". Birthday cakes and candles always brings smiles to the children faces. And nothing beats the excitement (though I wish I could be as excited as they were with the fever). 

The candles were lighted (one per kid), the birthday song rehearsed, the candles blown a few times... And the whole cake was gobbled up by the kids (too heaty for me, guess its really good since #1 had 3 pieces!)...
