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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yeah... Finally a decent family photo!!!

I have been looking for a decent family photo. There were a few taken on various occasions which included 1.me + hubby (eh... with baby inside. note: I almost fainted when I saw this pic again. SO ugly lor. What was I thinking??? *tsk tsk*)

2. me + hubby + baby (at home) Note: She was still a new born... Was difficult to get to look in front... But we insisted in taking a shot anyway... 

3. me + hubby + baby (at New York New York)

4. me + hubby + baby (at Sentosa) I would call this the "most romatic" family photo... 

5. me + hubby + baby (during my bday celebration at New York New York) This is what I term as the worst family shot. Look at my ger and you know why! :p

So I told my hubby since we're bringing my girl in for a photo shoot, might as well get our portrait done nicely. Under the recommendation of a fellow mother in the Dec 08 SMH thread, we went to a studio near Expo for the photo shoot. The weather was not exactly perfect since it was rainy and dark. And of course, my little girl was not in the best of moods.

We still got about another one to two more weeks before we finally get the products of the photo shoot. But here are the raw pictures - unedited which I got the photo studio to send to me...

Here are the rest of the photos which the studio sent to me... There are of course more but these are the "sneak preview" photos which I excitedly got them to send me. : ) Enjoy!


kristalangel said...

as I said on FB, I lurve the studio shots .. of just Nic and also the family photo !! .. no regrets, hor? I dunno why people don't do this often. It's very worth it.

Goody said...

nice! and you look so thin now.. *envious*

Adeline said...

I really like the pics and especially the one where Nic is looking at the bear! Super duper cute! :)

Snowymum said...

hey gals,
Thanks for the compliments! I was feeling pretty good about it until my hb said the pics were average only. I guess he was comparing her to Phyl's Hayden photos... HAHA...

Sam, it expensive to take it often! But I am thinking of letting her take another time when she's a year old... See how lor... :P

Snowymum said...

Thin is no good. If you ask adeline, I seem to be falling apart... :P

Counting down the weeks to 1 year of breastfeeding - 12 weeks!!! :)

June said...

very nice photos. Would you still continue bf her after she reached 1 yr?

Snowymum said...

Hey June,

Thanks for ur compliments! :)

I would continue until she is 1 yr old. To prevent supply fr falling too quickly, now I still pumping 3 times a day. Will cut to 2 times a day in November (when she 11 mths). Then after that I will pump 1 time a day... Dunno when the ss will drop until I too sian to pump... *keke*

How abt u? When U stopping?

June said...

If my supply is still there, I will try to continue until my son is 1 yr old too haha.