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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Longan Red Date Tea with a twist

This was an online recipe shared by Jinny when I was preggy and she just finished her confinement. She tells me that she is keeping the recipe in case she needs to boost her BM supply.

Being an active participant of an online forum, a few mummies shared about low BM supply. Having remembered the recipe shared by Jinny, I too shared the recipe with the mummies.

A handful of mummies actually tried out the tea and reported that their BM supply did increase. I guess it is due to 通草, (supposedly) commonly used in cooling teas (凉茶) - mainly to help 排小便。

I have not tried it myself but am keeping this recipe for future reference. ;)

Taken from: http://wendyinkk.blogspot.sg/2011/05/lactating-red-date-tea.html?m=1

Red Dates 红枣 : 90gm
Black Dates 黑枣 : 60gm
Dangshen 党参 : 30gm
Dried Longan flesh 龙眼肉 : 30gm
Wolfberry 枸杞子 : 20gm
Astragalus 北耆 : 10gm
Rice Paper Pith 通草 :6gm

1. Remove seeds from red and black dates. Rinse dates.
2. Rinse dangshen in water to remove dirt.
3. Give wolfberry, rice paper pith and astragalus a quick rinse.
4. Put everything into a pot together with 4L of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 2 hours.
5. Consume this throughout the day.

And yes, there is another version of longan red date tea which i was told to make and drink which will help BF babies who are gassy. The ingredients to be boiled together are: red date, longan, black sugar and ginger (a few slices. If u love teh halia, you can afford more slices). I was also told that eating longan or having it in the tea is good in improving the baby's 胃(digestive system)... Time to get moving to drink the above and hopefully my little spitter will spit less.

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