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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Breastmilk is SWEET!

It's been such a long time since the last post! My little gal got sick (AGAIN!) and when she does, she will spread her virus to me by either coughing or sneezing into my face. My GP told me that I should avoid taking my multi-vitamins (Obimin) everyday as it will be too heaty! No wonder I have been falling sick so frequently...

Time flies and my girl is already 7months. It did not seem such a long time ago when I was struggling to maintain my breast milk supply and having to bear with engorgement pain. If I aim to breasfeed her till she is 12 months, I have about 4months and 3 weeks more to go. Taking the medication has caused my breastmilk supply to dip. My 6 hourly pumps can only yield about 240ml versus the previous 300ml. Despite the drop, I would still have enough to give my little one freshly expressed breast milk.

Many of us may not have tasted breastmilk before and some people may even say that breastmilk has no taste! My mother-in-law even told me that formula milk is more fragrant than breast milk. But who can deny the fact that breast milk is actually sweet! Here is the evidence...

The above was a result of my hubby spilling my breast milk. The whole bottle went onto the floor and both of us did not realise that some of the milk had actually manage to get into the cupboard. The milk dried up and the ants at my place were having a major party!!!

1 comment:

Lil Pretty Inc. said...

wa lau.. grosss..

Breast milk is sweet .. yes.. i tasted it everytime b4 feeding Ashlynne..

Bcos there is an incident that the milk turn sour and i almost feed her with it..

After tat, i tasted my milk EVERYTIME... same for my HB n mum..