You might wondering what inspired this particular entry... Well, the mother of little girl, yes me has been up to no good again.
1. Finishing her milk at night
Talk about different strategies and techniques in tackling problem. Creativity is the keyword when it comes to getting my little one to finish her milk. Parenthood has became an art, difficult to understand and only creativity is supported! So when little girl refuse to finish 'x' oz of milk, I will pour the difference into a bowl with cereal or rusk for her to eat... For a few nights, I was able to get her to finish the cereal or rusk with milk. *YEAH!*
2. Forcing her to seat in the baby chair
I do not know if it is my expectations that's making her feel miserable. She does not like to sit in the baby chair. It's as though the seat heats up to more than 40 degrees celcius when she seats on the chair for a few moments. After about 6 mouthful of food, she starts climbing out from the chair. It's as though the chair overheated and she HAD TO GET OUT! It's frustrating but is it normal that once they learn how to climb and stand they will refuse to sit?
3. When I am busy in the kitchen...
I always deem the kitchen as a place of danger and it's usually dirty (from all the cooking, etc). So there were a few occassions where hubby wasn't free to help me with little girl and I desperately needed to get things done in the kitchen! So TARDAH.... This is where little girl will be:
Yeap... right inside a laundry basket!
Okay other than the last one, I guess I wasn't that naughty, was I? :)
heheh. so cute the pic of her in the basket :)
Hehe... Thanks thanks... Now that she's more active, can't really put her inside for long.
I din post in my blog tat papa put her in the basket and walked off to do his stuff. Of course, in her attempt to "chase" after papa, she fell down with the basket and cried buckets... *SIGH*
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