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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Special Outings....

This post is dedicated to what I term "special outings". These are considered extra-ordinary because we normally don't visit these places... 

1) Singapore Botanic Garden

In the beginning, I was full of energy and little girl was curious about the greenery... so we walked from one visitor centre to the other visitor centre (nearer to Orchard/Gleneagles). After the visit, we went to Ikea Alexandra for dinner. And I remember that little girl was such a darling! She actually sat in the chair to finish her dinner (it was Only Organic lamb stew with porridge + bits of tofu). 

These photos were taken sometime early September. I finally found the photos!!! 

Hubby did a little tweaking to the camera and voila - little girl and I became the secondary focus in this photo. I simply LOVE this photo!!! Little girl was also introduced to a mirage of (only) colourful flowers (because mama loves colourful things. LOL!). 

Hubby forgot the tripod, so we used little girl's stroller!!! Not bad eh? :P

2. East Coast Park

Headed to my grandmother's place today. Since we were in the east, we decided to drop by East Coast Park. The sound of the waves were loud and it was getting dark by the time we were there. It was a really short "stay" there since little girl was not too comfortable. We headed for MacDonalds to get little girl washed (since we let her play with the sand). 

Told hubby, we would visit ECP (not the expressway) but at an earlier time when there was more light and better pictures could be taken... HAHA...

Put her near the water and let the waves touch her feet... She did not like the feeling of the wet and course sand on her feet...

Playing with sand!!!!

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