Oh dear, I haven't been blogging for so long and many people might have thought that I have given up on updating! ;p But seriously it's because I have been too busy...
The little one has started full day childcare from 10 August 2010. On the first day, she explored the school on her own and only cried a little after she realised I have walked off. On the second day, she began to be a little clingy but the teacher took over and she was fine. On the third day, she did cry a little when I left, but the teachers all said she did not cry after lessons started. All in, it seems like the little one is adapting well. Of course, she tends to be clingy when we walk into the centre, but after I tell her "Mama will be back to pick you up later ok?", she will just sit there and let the teacher take her temperature. Then off she goes into the centre! : )
The only feedback I got is that she clings on to some of her playgroup teacher and refuse to let them out of sight. Other than that, her chewing skills are pretty bad and she takes a long time to eat rice... More than a year of eating porridge must have created the lazy eating habits. But better late than never, I have been feeding her rice for dinner... And I do see some improvements! :)
In the recent 2 weeks, we have noticed that she will sing to herself and after she finishes, she will clap her hands. The songs include an array of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Alphabet Song", "Baba Black Sheep" and some chinese nursery rhymes. Though her singing may skip certain phrases, but hey it is still a song! Other than that, we have been teaching her to string words together... E.g. Wo yao yi ge ( "I want one"). So recently, she could say "Nai Nai yao tu tu". Over the last weekend, she spouted a "Papa say Qi Lai" ("Papa say wake up).
Her vocabulary has also grown tremendously. At least now she can identify things like "car", "flowers", "dog", "cat" and the different parts of her face (e.g. eyes, noses, mouth, ears, hair, etc). When you ask her where is her nose, she will point to hers and point to yours too... To me this is a tremendous improvement from 1-2 months back.
Ending off, every child progress differently... For my little one, I am just glad that she is learning well... And as most parents will agree that it is a miracle before your eyes when they start spouting words and stringing them into sentences...