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Saturday, May 30, 2009


I promised an update on my dropping breastmilk supply? It's back to normal again! I can only guess that the two main contributing factors are: 1. I was not properly hydrated (losing most of my water to the fever and leaking nose) and 2. I took the medication which was suppose to dry up my mucous! (I guess it had a drying effect on my breast milk too).

I did not know when eating solids became a struggle... Maybe eating only cereal for 1 and a half months is making my little girl feel irritated! So today, I tried something different. I pureed some organic pumpkin last night and had them frozen into small ice cubes. Today she took her first ice cube size of pumpkin! I won't say that she loves it to bits but she did eat the amount which I warmed up for her. :) (I guess it beats eating rice cereal again!)

I mentioned in my earlier post that we went to Ikea to buy her high chair? Anyway here is a delayed post of photos we took of her while we were having our dinner. Her interest for adult food is apparent! She was practically grabbing at the plates of food when she could.

First it started off with staring at the plate of salmon...

Then it went on to the excited version of "Mama, I also want some of that salmon please!"

As her excited behavior became uncontrollable, i relented and let her touch the plates... My hubby's comment: Heng she likes the salmon and not the chicken wings!"


kristalangel said...

hehe. so cute see her obviously lunging and making grabs at the plate. Ya, I intend for Calista to be eating table food by 1 year old. You so solid puree the pumpkin. I buy all the organic bottled foods. lol. lagi lazier than you.

Snowymum said...

I pureed because I already bought the organic pumpkin! It's not that easy to puree (i realised). I use those metal sieve to press them! It's pretty fun but I dunno how long I can last (doing that till she can eat REAL solids...) :P

Organic bottled foods? I saw! Not cheap leh!