One more week to 6 months! I am rubbing my hands together in glee as my mind spins a whirl-wind of things that I can give to my little girl! From fruits to my all time favourite avocardo and even the prospect of meat/fish (can start after 7 months)!!! It's really boring to be puree-ing pumpkin only... And the other root vegetable that my PD suggested is carrots (ARGH! they are all orange in colour! - BORING!!!) Then again, I can open the Healthy Times cereal for my girl to try! I sure hope she likes them! :p
Anyway, there are some stuff which I will have to postpone for as long as possible:-
1. Sweet Potato (this was a scare... one of a fellow mother had to deal with her infant's bloated tummy after starting on this)
2. Egg White (due to allergy - only can give egg yoke. Whites will have to wait till 1 yr)
3. Peanuts (oso due to allergy. wait till 1 yr lor)
4. Ikan Bilis (this one is my personal choice. Since babies aren't suppose to take salt and sugar. Most ikan bilis is preserved dried with salt. So rather than risking it I rather cook her porridge with some fresh meat/pork ribs/fish from the market)
5. Wheat (oso due to allergy)
Last night I puree-ed the organic pumpkin and used the Baby Cubes which I bought to store them in the fridge. This morning, my hubby brought it over to my mother in law's and my girl had it before her milk. She could not finish the entire portion (so have to dump it - no recycling!!!), but she drank about 2.5oz of milk immediately after.
The past almost six months has been a roller-coaster ride for me... From helplessness (seeing her fall sick) to happiness (seeing her chuckle) to elevated senses of wonder (her physio developement)... It's perhaps these emotions that make people want to have more than 1 child. It's a miracle to see how that tiny little blob of "meat" in your womb can grow to be a breathing being!
Anyway, my girl has been officially awarded Masters with Distinction in some BaBy Development (BBD) modules:
BBD Module 1: Flipping from back to tummy
BBD Module 2: Flipping from tummy to back
BBD Module 3: Bull-doze crawl (refers to moving from Pt A to B by dragging her head into the mattress n lifting her entire buttocks and feet to push forward)
BBD Module 4: Navigation (ability to move in more than one direction/change direction)
BBD Module 5: Tummy crawl
Other modules that she is currently taking includes:
BBD Module 6: The REAL crawl (heard that this module will take super long)
BBD Module 7: Sitting up
Actually, motherhood has became more joyous now that she is able to respond to our calls and even chuckle endlessly when we make funny faces or noise at her. Other than that, she can grab stuff pretty well. Which means that she can actually put her "tu-tu" back on her own... But the flip side is, she can also grab and throw her "tu-tu" on the floor when she feels like it, or throw her teether and any other things on the floor!

"Lion roars the sweetest music. Thank u Wah Sing Che Che!"
Amazingly, when you clap your hands to say "Bao-Bao" (i.e. carry), she will put her hands in your outstreched palms. As I carry her from her armpits, she will push forward into a kneel position and push a lot more to the standing position (so that I can pick her up more easily).
Other than what I term as "amazing feats", I sure hope she is going to get some teeth soon. Her occasional bouts of crankiness always never fail to make me go like a broken recorder "What is wrong with her huh???". But I must say that Dentinox is a life-saver for me. It's safe for babies to use from birth for teething discomforts. It can be bought from pharmacies! :)

"EEEEeeeeeee... I have NO teeth!"
PS: When your baby starts to turn then crawl, the mat you see my girl on is super! It's expensive but a good investment! At least you have the assurance that she won't hurt herself should she decide to slam her face on the floor! :) It's a Paylon mat from Korea.